Android based Ultrasonic Distance Meter with Buzzer indication



Android based Ultrasonic Distance Meter is used to measure the distance of a object. This distance is shown on LCD as well as on Android mobile application. We have provided a Buzzer in this project which is turned on when the distance of object is less than 10 centimeters.

Android based Ultrasonic Distance Meter with Buzzer indication

Block Diagram:

Android based Ultrasonic Distance Meter with Buzzer indication

Description in detail:

Various important blocks of system are:
1) Ultrasonic sensor
2) Microcontroller
3) Bluetooth transmitter
4) LCD Display
5) Buzzer

Applications and Advantages:

Applications of Android based Ultrasonic Distance Meter with Buzzer indication:
1) This project can be used in Industries, companies. This project also has application in Robotics.
Advantages of Android based Ultrasonic Distance Meter with Buzzer indication:
1) This project is easy to use.

Future Development:

1. We can provide voice feedback system.


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