SMS based Fire detection system using Smoke and Temperature sensor



SMS based Fire detection system using Smoke and Temperature sensor has application in many areas like Industries, Companies, Offices, Shopping malls and even at our home. This project has a Smoke sensor and a Temperature sensor to detect the fire. Fire detection system sends SMS to user when any one these sensor crosses threshold value. We have provided a Buzzer which turns on when SMS is sent to user
SMS based Fire detection system using Smoke and Temperature sensor.

Block Diagram:

SMS based Fire detection system using Smoke and Temperature sensor

Description in detail:

Various important blocks of system are:
1) Smoke sensor
2) Temperature sensor
3) Analog to digital convertor
4) Microcontroller
5) LCD Display
6) GSM modem
7) Buzzer

Applications and Advantages:

Applications of SMS based Fire detection system using Smoke and Temperature sensor:
1) This project can be used in Industries, Shopping malls, Office.
Advantages of SMS based Fire detection system using Smoke and Temperature sensor:
1) This project is easy to use.

Future Development:

1. We can provide voice feedback system.


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