Android mobile controlled door security locking system
Android mobile controlled door security locking system has its main application in security systems. It can be used in house, shop, offices, industry. We have provided a Relay and a DC motor to give a demo of door lock opening. User needs to enter password using an Application on Android mobile.
Android based Door locking system
Block Diagram:
Android mobile application:
Android mobile application
Description in detail:
Various important blocks of system are:
1) Microcontroller
2) Android mobile with applicaiton installed
3) Bluetooth decoder and transmitter
4) LCD Display
5) Motor Driver
6) DC Motor and Buzzer
1) Microcontroller
2) Android mobile with applicaiton installed
3) Bluetooth decoder and transmitter
4) LCD Display
5) Motor Driver
6) DC Motor and Buzzer
Applications and Advantages:
Applications of Android mobile controlled door security locking system:
1) This project can be used in Industries, Home, Office, Shops.
1) This project can be used in Industries, Home, Office, Shops.
Advantages of Android mobile controlled door security locking system:
1) This project is easy to use.
1) This project is easy to use.
Future Development:
1. We can provide voice feedback system.
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